Management Analysis

  • The purpose of this section is to describe your management team and your key employees. The idea is to convince the reader that you and your staff have what it takes to reach your goals and objectives.
  • If you are starting a large business with several departments, you should include an organization chart in your business plan. This chart should identify positions, lines of authority and communication channels in your business.
  • Write a brief description of each member of your management team, possibly supported by resumes that you could attach as an appendix to your plan. For each, include a description of their:
    • Personal background and status
    • Employment history
    • Industry experience
    • Financial experience
    • Small business experience
    • Management experience
    • Education
    • Community involvement
    • Motivation level
    • Health and energy
  • In many cases, you will be the owner and manager of your business, thus you will be describing your own background and experience.
  • If you feel that you are weak in any area, indicate how you will compensate for this – either by employing staff or engaging consultants who can provide assistance.